Pi-hole: send pihole.log and pihole-FTL.log to external Syslog-server

The option to send Pihole-logs to a remote syslogserver is not implemented.Good thing is that Pi-hole creates log-files.How about adding these logfiles to the local (R-)Syslog-daemon and send it over to the external Syslog-Server via port 514 TCP/UDP ? I use Dietpi as the OS on my Raspi3+ and added Pi-hole as one of the

Influxdb: show real database size in Grafana

Influxdb has no useful functions to look at the real database size. As I have created a retention policy combined with continuous queries I want to see the exact values per database. I use the following approach: in Crontab a bash is executed to get the real influxes database values the values are then pushed

daily compression of InfluxDB

InfluxDB is an open source time series database built by InfluxData and used in e.g. Openhab for data persistance.For small computers like raspi’s it is a best practice to compress the database regurlarly. Why not using cron ? Well, it works.. the only (security)-drawback is to grant /bin/bash to the influx-user: cat /etc/cron.daily/00influx: cat /home/pi/1_influxrepair.sh:

ntopng , fritzbox (fritzdump.sh) and geolocation

The latest browsers have removed the Geolocation API from unsecured Origins. If you still want to use Geo-API tools with fritzdump.sh ntopng needs to run secure, based on ssl (TLS). ntopng has written a nice howto to use let’s encrypt-based certs. But what needs to be adjusted on the firtzdump.sh script ? if you want